How to Stop Trying to Be Someone You Are Not - Marie Forleo
Be Yourself - Marie Forleo. |
When I first started as a business
person. I was 23 years old and I was so
and I was trying to fit myself into this the idea of who I thought I should be, and it
wasn't working so it wasn't until I
actually allowed me to just be the
weird, wacky energetic, kind of a little
bit crazy person that I am that things
actually started to work. and so now it's
been almost 20 years of doing this and
I've seen it time and time again .where
people tend to feel stuck and stifled
where they tend to feel like their life
force is just drained out of them theirs
gets to be despair and depressed they
just feel stuck is when they're not
expressing the fullness of who they
really are, they're trying to fit
themselves into a conventional box, they're trying to live up to other
people's expectations, they're trying to
be someone who they really aren't
because they're afraid that the real
they are gonna get rejected.
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You know at the same time culturally, we were
starting to spend more and more time on
our computers and those devices started
to come into play cell phones, and I just
watched as how so many people started
living from the neck up and started
losing touch with their intuition that
inner voice the very innate wisdom that
each of us is born with them just
didn't know, how to access it so for me
in terms of tapping into your body in
terms of movement and incorporating all
of these different modalities into. how
you figure out your life it's become
second nature to me but I think now more
than ever it's so important that we
reconnect this thing, so we can hear our
Want people to how to reconnect? what is that process look like? yeah so, first of all it taps into
slowing down. we're all moving so so so
fast we want the answer instantly we're
always going up here so I think step one
is to slow down and actually breathe and
feel your body you know if you're
someone who works out even you may not
be that practiced at doing this you know
if you go to the gym and you bang-out
your reps or doing squats you're hitting
a class where just go go go go go. you
may not be actually feeling the
physiological signals that
come through, your body so I always like
to frame it like this.
A lot of people
ask me, what's the difference between
fear and intuition like fear, a fear that
you should actually move through it's an
opportunity for you to grow it's
something that you actually want to do
but you're just afraid of failing or
what if it's your intuition telling you
this is the wrong move. it's hard to
decipher that sometimes so what I like
to do is I give people a very simple
test. how to decipher the difference
between that fear and intuition here's
how it works, you have to slow down you can close your
eyes if you can and ask yourself in
terms of the opportunity you're thinking
about saying yes to. when you imagine
yourself saying yes or moving forward
with this idea or this person, in your
body in the nanosecond you ask the
question. how do I feel about this do you
feel yourself expand or contract, this is
a tiny tiny micro-movement of feeling
within you. expansion might feel like
lightness joy, excitement fun, all of
those feelings, where you almost perceive
your body moving forward in space ever
so slightly contraction think about it
in terms of dread despair, something and
you was saying no there's a heaviness of
hid in your stomach. even if that
opportunity, even if that idea or that
person that asks you something on paper
it sounds like you should say yes but, something in you is like pulling back
that's your no so it's a really great
way to help people train themselves
tap into their inborn wisdom that's
already within them that's working to
guide them on their best path.
So again
it's when you have that level of faith
to surrender to your body to surrender
that you have wisdom within you that
you're not going to access grinding to
it. it unfurls almost like a flower
blooms when it's ready. you know if I ever feel like in any
moment life is not going the way that I
think it should be going it's because
I'm resisting what is it's me arguing
with reality I'm making myself miserable
in that moment because I'm choosing to
argue with what is that's always a
losing proposition. so the more awareness
I can bring to that and go like is this
really how you want to live your life in
this moment Marie because every single
moment as you know sets you up for the
next moment and you strain these moments
together and guess what you have your
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opportunity for us to check ourselves
before we prep ourselves and so I just
try and play the game if I'm miserable, if I'm upset, if I'm angry if I'm cranky, it is my responsibility because it's
based on what I'm thinking or believing
in that moment it's not the outside
world. causing me to feel this it's what
I'm doing up here that's making me have
that reaction and if I'm the problem I
am also the solution. and then in the
moment again it sounds so simple, but I
think we're all searching for these
really complex things and we don't need
them if you can catch yourself arguing
with reality in the moment and realize
that's not a wise thing to do
and then back yourself up and go okay. but the argument and the irritation is
not necessary to get a new result. so I'm
always focused on the long game I think
these days a lot of people want instant
results they want to be Instagram famous, they want to have like a billion-dollar
business overnight and I always say I'm
like this is not a get-rich-quick
overnight program, this is get great over
time. for many people when they have an
enormous vision it paralyzes them they
have no idea how to accomplish it I see
people crying workshops all the time
it's so big I don't know how to do what
I want to change the world, unlike don't
worry about changing the world change
one person's life.
We can focus there
stay there for a little bit. we're gonna
get to that thing maybe otherwise it's
all good because you're still doing the
work that you were born to do I've
always had this belief since I was
little that every single one of us is
born with the unique set of gifts and
talents that, only we can give the world. so the impact that I want to have I
believe our world will transform
significally when every single one of us
realizes that the world really does need
the special gift that only we have so to
see people wake up to that to know that
it's already in them they don't have to
do anything or be anyone different to
just express that, make me go a long way. "I absolutely love that"
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