Wrap Up The Complete Interview
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Know What to Expect at the Interview
Not all interviews are the same, so find out what you'll need to do at the interview before you go. You may need to:
- prepare to be interviewed by a panel of two or more people or go through a series of interviews
- take a test before or after the interview to find out if you’re suitable for the job (for example, an English proficiency test or personality test)
- prepare and lead a presentation as part of the interview, so make sure you’ll have access to any equipment you need such as a laptop or projector
- take part in group activities to test your teamwork and leadership abilities.
Dress for Success
- You don’t have to wear new or expensive clothes. But make sure you wear something smart and tidy. Employers will notice that you’ve made an effort to be well dressed.
- If it’s a video interview, it’s still important to dress well so you look presentable on screen.
- Review your CV, cover letter and application forms to remember the skills and experiences you shared.
- Read the job description and think of questions the employer may ask.
- Do an online search for common interview questions.
- Prepare answers to possible questions. Even if you aren’t asked them, it will help you plan what skills and experiences to highlight.
How to Answer Interview Questions
- Speak clearly and vary your tone to show you’re interested and enthusiastic.
- Take time to think about each question before answering so you can give a good response.
- Listen to questions carefully and let the interviewer lead the conversation. If you don't understand a question, ask for it to be explained or repeated.
- If you’ve had a job before don’t criticize previous employers or co-workers.
- Give examples from your experience that demonstrate your knowledge and skills.
- Show confidence in your skills and be positive about what you have done.
Get Ready for Interviews
using Video Conferncing.
What to prepare
- Find out which computer program, application or website will be used for the video interview. Test it out with a friend or family member.
- If you’re using a laptop, phone or tablet make sure the battery is charged.
- Exchange phone numbers with your interviewer in case the video link fails.
- Make sure the camera and microphone are adjusted to give the best possible sound and video quality.
- Make sure your background looks professional and there are no photos, mirrors or people visible.
- Find a “sound-proof” place away from unwanted noises
- Have your CV and interview notes near you for reference.
Review the job qualifications, company culture, and mission before the interview.
Give a strong positive trait with concrete evidence to prove the trait.
If you choose to share a weakness, make sure it’s not disqualifying.
Don’t claim to be perfect or have qualities you don’t actually possess.
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