Explanation Part of Letter
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- Head of Letter or sender's address (Letterhead/Kop Surat)
- Date
- References
- Inside address or receiver's address
- The subject of Letter (Subject/Perihal)
- Salutation (Greetings/Salam Pembuka)
- Body of Letter (Content of Letter/Isi Surat)
- Complimentary Close (Closing/Salam Penutup)
- Signature
- Sender's Name
- Position (Jabatan)
- Carbon Copy (Tembusan)
- Enclosure (Lampiran)
- Head of Letter or sender’s address includes the name of the sender’s company and the address.
- Date is divided into two styles, they are British style and American style.
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Example: What the date is
You may not tell it: one October 2020 (it’s incorrect).
In writing the date, you may use the comma or not, it’s up to you, but you may not use the symbol.
Examples: 1/10/2020 or 1-10-2020
If you write the date using symbol, the reader will get confused, what style of the date you use,
British style or American style, and the date can have two meanings.
It can be the first of October 2020 or the tenth of January 2020
- References are divided into two, they are Our ref and Your ref.
- Inside Address or receiver’s address includes the name of the receiver’s company and the address.
- The subject includes the topic of the letter.
- Salutation, there are so many examples of salutation, and usually, it’s begun with Dear
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- The body of the letter usually includes three-paragraph, they are first paragraph, middle paragraph, last paragraph.
- Complimentary Closes are used differently either British style or American style. British style uses three complimentary closes, they are Yours Sincerely, Yours Faithfully, and Yours Truly. These three complimentary closes are divided into the formal letter and informal letter. Yours Sincerely and Yours Faithfully are used for formal letters, whereas Yours Truly is used for informal letters (for family, or for friends). While American Style uses Sincerely and Faithfully, although it’s a formal letter or informal letter, sometimes American style uses Best Regards. Note: If there is a name in your salutation, so use Yours Sincerely (British style) and Sincerely (American style). Example: Dear Mr … If there is no name in your salutation, so use Yours Faithfully (British style) and Faithfully (American style). Example: Dear Sir
- The signature is clear. It’s no explanation.
- The sender’s name is clear. It’s no explanation.
- The position is clear. It’s no explanation. Sometimes if the representative such as the vice director writes or sends the letter on behalf of the director, it uses per procurationem (p.p), the meaning is atas nama.
- Carbon Copy (c.c.) is used if the copy of the letter is sent to other authorities.
- Enclosure (excl. or enc.) is used if there are other supporting documents in sending a letter.
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